Friday, October 3, 2008

Researching home businesses

Well we ended our last story wondering how in today’s world someone, anyone, could research a home business, make the right decision of which home business to choose, and then most important learn the skills necessary to become a success working from home.

Before we get started on these we have to go back one step. Because really the first thing one needs to do is make the decision that a home business is what they want to do, not just a thought they are kicking around in their head, but a solid, YES, I want to work from home. For whatever reason, to spend more time with the kids, to pay off some bills, to buy a new car or a house. There a dozen or more reasons to get started, but your reason has to be strong, otherwise in all honesty, you probably won’t make it.

And here’s why, because in home business you are responsible for your success, not your upline, not the company, not your spouse, or your kids, or your parents and most certainly not the President of the United States (believe me, I have heard this one before). You will have to be responsible, disciplined, and self motivated.

But that is getting ahead of ourselves, check back later to learn about choosing the right company, or click on over to the sites below to see how our 180daystogreatness experiment is coming along and what he have learned from our Coach, Nadira Haniff, to date, or to see what company I made the decision to work with.

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