Network Marketing has been around for many years, and has been known by many names. How was the concept started? Well, the idea was to pay individuals (distributors) the money that would normally be used on advertising. The more people who purchased product from you the more money you made, and the company sold. The beauty was that if you could find other people to do the same thing you could not only make money on your efforts but theirs as well. Hence a new home business and free enterprise were born where the playing field is level and open to all those that actually took this seriously.
Over the years, there have been a lot of different names for network marketing, such as multi-level marketing, direct selling, word-of-mouth, and most familiar to those who knew nothing about it, is the “pyramid:. In today’s society we find lots of people asking if our business is a “pyramid scheme” based on the past of only a handful of companies that gave network marketing a bad name. What exactly is a pyramid in business? My definition and for others in the know a “pyramid” would be a corporate business where the owners make the most money, then a ceo or president, vice president, manager, asst. manager, secretary, receptionist, mail person.
Well you get the idea, my point is, the guy at the top makes all the money while the guy on the bottom of the pyramid doesn’t make much. That is definitely not the definition of network marketing as with this industry anyone coming in came make as much or as little as they choose. It is all up to the individual and the choices they make.
How can anyone in the 21st century who is looking to pay off some bills, pay for college, buy a house, work from home or make a fortune choose the right company, the right product, the right system and the right team?
To find out there are two things you can do. You can visit the website below or you can come back here periodically as I will be updating this story on a regular basis for the next 180 days as I, Theresa Giambrone am participating in a marketing experiment with 20 other people and Coach Nadira Haniff, that I believe will change the way we in the network marketing industry do business so that everyone that comes to the table can succeed.
Until next time…….
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