Monday, November 17, 2008

What Blogging Can Do For Your Business!

I have had my blog up and running since 2007. I recently started a new blog about one of the products I market, but prior to that I would post some thoughts every now and again, but didn't really know how to use blogging to build my business and generate leads.

Well since becoming involved in the 180daystogreatness program, one of the skills we have honed over the past six weeks, is blogging and why to blog.

I have learned that blogging is a great tool to have in your arsenal as well as other internet marketing tools like making and posting videos on youtube. Whatever viral method you are using to generate mlm leads, it is good for your business only if you know how to get your information at the top of the search engines. Learning how to make money blogging, is not a quick answer to your finances, but what it will do is build your credibility as a leader, someone that knows what they are doing and can show others how to make money with blog marketing. It shows those looking for the right leader and the right home business, that you are in this for the long haul. Consistency is key in any successful business and consistency in blogging is essential.

Online marketing is a steady way to attract customers, business builders and other online marketers who you can work with and share information.

Life and business is all about continued learning, If you would like to learn more about the different ways we are marketing online and offline, visit our website to get the scoop. You can also check out some of my videos and my blogs and my social sites, as well as here to get some great marketing tools. Feel free to follow or join any of them. I would love to hear from you and get your feedback.

Until next time, happy blogging......

Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional working with a six year old billion dollar company in the health and wellness industry. She is currently participating in the 180daystogreatness program created by Nadira Haniff.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Well, this is a very personal blog for me. I believe Mahatma Ghandi said "first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." So here is to winning, as I and the others in this programgo through these steps. Bring it on!

In working with the 180daystogreatness program, I have learned so much. I have learned about myself and what I am capable of. I have learned new skills on the internet to generate my own leads. I have learned to write articles. I have learned how to teach others to do the same. I have learned how to overcome rejection. I have learned how to believe in my product. I have learned how to believe in myself. I have learned how to set goals and work to accomplish them. I have learned how to work closely with others. And I have learned that when you move away from the status quo, there will be friction. I just didn't realize how personal it could be.

I knew 180daystogreatness, which was created by our Coach Nadira Haniff, was something unlike anything else out there. Nothing like it has ever been created, there may be some trying to duplicate it, but there will only be one original 180daystogreatness. This is the program that is making all the other so called "gurus" out there get a little scared. And contrary to what those so called "gurus" teach us, they are not embracing change, they are letting their egos get in the way, and they are throwing stones.

I will be the first to say that there are a lot of great programs, cds, training calls available where the average network marketer can learn some exceptional skills. Afterall, that is where I learned most of mine. The only problem is, I wasn't making the money I came to this industry to make, and each program was missing something. All the puzzle pieces did not fall into place.

So what Nadira Haniff created was a place to learn not only skillset, but mindset - which includes truly letting your ego go - and the program offers live personal coaching, so that those that are truly hungry to succeed, but just could not find the ongoing support, could feel at home here. Not judged, just held accountable. All the pieces to the puzzle, FINALLY, in one place.

What this program is, is a one-stop shop, to gain all the knowledge and skills to succeed, so of course there is going to be friction and stone throwing from the other top leaders and income earners in this industry. They feel we are taking money out of their pockets, rather than taking a closer look, asking direct questions and embracing the change that is taking place as I write this article.

The Winds of Change are Upon Us, are you ready to move with the Wind rather than struggle against it? Now is the time to take a closer look at where your business is and where you want it to be, and if what you have been taught isn't working, well, come be a part of history in the making......

Here's to not just to seeing you at the top, but running along beside you, holding your hand, picking you up when you fall, and getting to the top with you.......

You can learn more about this program and you can register for our upcoming LIVE EXPLOSION WEBINAR, by visiting

If you are ready to get started you can go to

To contact me direct, you can call me at my home office: 630-761-3132.

Friday, October 31, 2008


I don't normally add direct solicitations to my blog, but this is the program I have been writing about for the past 31 days. If you want to get an up close look at this program and see if you have what it takes to WIN IN BUSINESS, you will want to be on this call. Here are two of the reasons you have to be there:

1) You will hear details on how the program works and you can see if you could benefit from being a part of the program and

2) Once you make the decision to get started and complete the program your world will change, and if you don't complete the program you can save yourself the time and headache of searching for an answer. Change careers. Because this is the program that will change the statistics that only 3% are successful.

We are upping the game,if you are ready to play, check out the invitation below.

Folks, this webinar only has room for 150 people and I know that the 14 original people in this group are probably sending this out to over 150 people each so your response is needed immediately if not sooner.


This is a 45 minutes riveting session of what it TAKES TO WIN BIG IN BUSINESS! It is an incredible blend of mindset, skill set, strategic marketing, game planning and some pride & determination to cross the finish line in business ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Nadira Haniff – Objective Coach, Mentor & Inspirational Speaker will be Hosting a "180DaysToGreatness" Webinar this Monday Evening November 3rd at 9:30 EST.

Only 150 seats available and is sure to be a sellout!

Be sure to register and get on the call about 5 minutes early to secure your seat!

This program has allowed me to add another $0 to my monthly paycheck after it stayed the same for over a year. Sometimes rather than switching companies what we need is a program that delivers the goods on how to succeed in the network marketing industry and home business.

To Register For The WEBINAR Click Here:

To get a preview of the program click here:

To join the 180Days community click here:

Mark your calendars. You DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!

Theresa Giambrone



Monday, October 27, 2008


Wanted to give an update on our 180daystogreatness program. If you remember, 180daystogreatness is a program developed by Nadira Haniff, where mindset and skillset are brought together to create an explosion in your business. It doesn’t have to be a network marketing business, I believe it would work in traditional business as well.

Anyway, we started out with 25 people including Coach Nadira. And the concept is that we all come to the table with certain skills we can share with the group and we are also prepared, very prepared to learn the new skills necessary to earn a six figure income plus (depending on where you are starting) within 180 days. If we do not step up our game and participate and do the activities necessary we can be voted off. Kind of like survivor, internet style.

Everything has happened so fast, I don’t know when the first person was voted off, who was next, or who left because the demand and commitment were more than they were willing to do. But just 27 days into this journey we are down to 16 individuals. That’s nine people out of the game, and we aren’t even half-way through.

I don’t know about the rest of the group, but my first 27 days in this program has definitely yielded some new skills, some new business partners, some new retail sales and a great deal of confidence. No not ego, but confidence in my skills as a business person, a teamplayer and a leader.

So if you haven’t yet taken a look at our 180daystogreatness program, you might want to take a look just to see what it is about and if it is something you could use to move forward in whatever is holding you back in your business. Is it finding new customers, is it leadership skills, is it advertising, is it finding the right business partners?

Check us out and let us know. We would love to hear your comments and feedback. Who knows maybe we could get a voting system in place where those of you in our community have a say so on who stays and who goes. Yikes, what am I thinking.

To your success,

Theresa Giambrone

Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional working with a six year old billion dollar company in the health and wellness industry and is a participant in the 180daystogreatness program which has been four years in the making and was created by Coach Nadira Haniff.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Change We Need!

Change we need: This is the slogan for the Obama/Biden campaign. I was watching some of the coverage, and Biden’s speech stayed in my head, after listening to many speeches and when I awoke this morning I realized why. Change we need can be used in any instance. I will use it as it pertains to the network marketing industry.

Change we need in the way the network marketing industry is viewed. We as network marketers are the ones that are able to educate the masses that network marketing is indeed a viable tool to financial freedom, that network marketing is a professional industry, that network marketing levels the playing field so that anyone with the correct mindset and skillset can achieve great things, not only in the area of their finances, but also in the areas of personal development, self confidence, and marketing strategies.

Biden also said, he remembers his dad would say to him “Champ, when you fall down, you must stand up”. We must stand up and be heard, we must stand up for what we believe in, we must stand up for the industry that has a given so many people a second chance, be it a way to keep their homes in these hard economic times, or supplemental income so they don’t have to go out and get a part time job. We need to stand up and say, don’t rely on our government, rely on yourself. Change we all need, but change is good, if you are not changing you are dying.

So what will you change? Will you continue to rely on our government, our government who has their own agenda, or will you rely on your own resources and your own commitment to move forward in all areas of your life so it doesn’t really matter what the government does, you will excel.

Money may not be everything, but it sure gives your more options.

Take a serious look at the network marketing industry and see if it is what you need to change your life in the year 2009, and check out our training site to see the most explosive training available today that can get you from zero to hero, within 180days at

If you want to see our community and check out our survivor style marketing experiment go here:

2009 is just around the corner, get started today making positive changes for your future, so that 2009 is your year.

Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional working with a billion dollar company. She is currently participating in a viral marketing experiment that has been four years in the making and was created by Nadira Haniff.

Friday, October 17, 2008


180DAYSTOGREATNESS! Well we are on Day 17 and I can tell you things are happening. If you have been following along at our website you will know that we started out with a total of 25 team members, and we are now at 19. Whether being voted off or voluntarily leaving because the commitment was too great, I do know how tough it has been! My plans are to be here at the end of this marketing experiment, that has already taught me many things and has created some sales in my organization in the first two weeks with the new strategies I have learned. It does take discipline, and the desire to succeed to follow this plan, learn new skills, and if you do lag behind, to keep moving forward. My tasks may not be completed on the exact date, but I can tell you that they are being completed. And as I move forward and learn how to brand myself, I am moving into flow. The dictionary defines “Flow” as the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. The activity is intrinsically rewarding, so there is an effortlessness of action.

This is where I want to be and it is what our marketing program is offering. We use RIGOROUS marketing strategies to teach you how to BRAND yourself to win—which is a whole other article.

Branding yourself as an entrepreneur can sometimes be a little difficult in a sea of entrepreneurs especially online. But remember there is only one YOU! This program assigns you a personal coach to work directly with you for the next 180 days to show you the complete steps that need to be taken to take you from where you are today with your mindset and skillset and well on your way to where you need to be in your business to earn a six or even seven figure income in this industry. 180 days to a five or six figure monthly income. Is it possible? Not for the faint of heart! In this program you will working under controlled conditions and firm, straightforward, laid out plans which must be executed and tracked. If you are here, participation is non-negotiable. The equivalent of a boot-camp!;) Check out for more complete details and to see if you are up for the challenge!

"Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional currently participating in a marketing experiment. She has been in the network marketing industry for seven years and works with a billion dollar company. "

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Network Marketing 101 Part III

Wow, I can’t believe we are at part three in our three part series on network marketing.

We have already discussed, researching for the right home business, choosing the right home business for you, and now we are going to learn about learning the skills necessary to become successful in your own home business.

Once you have done your research and you’ve chosen the company, now it is time to learn what those that have come before you, have learned. To shorten that learning curve, so that you can start making money quickly in network marketing, you are going to want to pay attention to your sponsor/leader, but you also want to do your own research online.

I know, it certainly seems like a lot of research to do, but it is almost like going to back to school or getting a new job. It takes time to learn the skills necessary. This is in fact a skills industry. So if you make yourself the promise to be here one year from today, I assure you, you are on the road to being a success in this industry.

Again, there are many variables in learning the skills necessary, but the most important is to pay attention and stay plugged into the team. What I mean by that is to attend live conference calls, attend local events, attend on as many training calls as you can, especially in the first 60 to 90 days. Don’t be afraid to call your sponsor to ask questions; especially if you are new to the industry,.

Don’t let attendance at the above events be your only guide. Good leaders will work very closely with you to see that you learn the skills necessary and know how to apply them properly. You will find your own flow as well and what works best for you and what doesn’t.

If you have specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact me direct. To learn more about what I am doing, visit any of the sites below.

Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional participating in a marketing experiment which is the brainchild of Nadira Haniff. Read all about our adventure of 180daystogreatness by visiting the site above for more information.

Network Marketing 101 Part II

Well congratulations for sticking with me this far. That tells me that you are serious about finding the right company and getting started in your own home business, and potentially changing your life forever.

Touching on the three key ingredients needed they are: researching the different companies out there, making the right decision on which company is for you and last but not least learning the skills necessary to succeed.

In our last article we talked about researching all the different companies, today we are going to discuss choosing the right company for you.

How do you know if the company is right for you? First do your research. Find out how old the company is. What is the sales revenue? What are other people in the industry saying about this company? There will be a number of signs if this company is for you. The company will have intelligent and knowledgeable people in charge. They will have a product (preferably consumable) that you can stand behind and that you are passionate about sharing with others. There will be compensation plan that fits you and your goals. Then you need to find a leader within that organization that you can work with. You are in fact, going to become business partners with that person.

How do you get behind a product: You purchase the product and try it. How do you get passionate about it? You believe that the product, regardless of what it is, can truly help others. How do you find a leader that you can work with? Do some research on the internet; if you came upon someone’s website, Google their name and see how much they actually know about the industry and their company. If they haven’t yet contacted you, give them a call. You want to find a leader that will teach you the skills necessary to succeed.

There are other variables involved in choosing the right company for you, but I believe these are the three most important aspects.

Until the next issue, feel free to visit any of the sites below. And best to you on your search.

Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional participating in a marketing experiment which is the brainchild of Nadira Haniff. Read all about our adventure of 180daystogreatness by visiting the site above for more information.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Network Marketing and Today's Economy

Every morning when the alarm goes off at 5:15 a.m. the station is set to some guy talking about the economy – not my choice, the alarm is on my husband’s side of the bed. Anyway, this morning I awoke to this guy, (I have to find out his name) was talking about the failure of the 700 billion dollar bailout. He noted that in today’s economy there are five things you should do.

They are: 1) Buy stock
2) Stash away as much as you can in savings
3) Don’t touch your 401k
4) Don’t use credit cards
5) If you are looking to buy a house or car Cash is King!

I would like to add one more, that in my opinion would be a great investment on your part. That would be to get started in your own home based business so that you can begin to build a residual income so that you can walk away from what you are currently doing in the next three to five years and you could benefit from the many tax advantages of owning your own home business.

That way you wouldn’t have to worry about the state of the economy, oh sure you would be affected by it in some way, but you would definitely have the funds and cash available to buy the stocks, you could stash away as much as you like into a savings account, you wouldn’t have to touch your 401k, you would be able to use credit cards responsibly and if you were in the market for a new house or car, again you would have the funds available.

So get started today so you can stop worrying about your future, which by the way, is the only one you have control of.

If you are wondering where to go from here check out the project, I Theresa Giambrone, am working on with 20 other individuals and Coach Nadira Haniff, at the sites below.

Finding the right home business.

Okay, thanks for coming back to learn about how to find the right network marketing company, home based business, for you.

As you will recall there are three steps involved, researching home based businesses, choosing the right one for you, and last but not least, learning the skills necessary to succeed.

All you have to do is get on the internet (much easier than it was years ago, when there was no internet) and do a search under a number of keywords. I will list a few here:

Home business, work from mom, mom’s work from home, network marketing, make money working from home, mlm, best home based business. (Whoever is editing, feel free to add any).

Once you have typed in any and all of these, a whole bunch of information will pop up. Here is a suggestion for you – to avoid all that time it would take to sift through the volumes of information just check out A trusted website that has a list of the top 10 companies and why they are the top ten. Then you can do a google search on these companies to learn more.

Well that covers the first step. Again, come on back for the other two steps and don’t forget to visit the marketing experiment, I Theresa Giambrone, and 20 other individuals along with Coach Nadira Haniff are participating in. You can also viewour new product launch coming this Fall, at the site below.

Researching home businesses

Well we ended our last story wondering how in today’s world someone, anyone, could research a home business, make the right decision of which home business to choose, and then most important learn the skills necessary to become a success working from home.

Before we get started on these we have to go back one step. Because really the first thing one needs to do is make the decision that a home business is what they want to do, not just a thought they are kicking around in their head, but a solid, YES, I want to work from home. For whatever reason, to spend more time with the kids, to pay off some bills, to buy a new car or a house. There a dozen or more reasons to get started, but your reason has to be strong, otherwise in all honesty, you probably won’t make it.

And here’s why, because in home business you are responsible for your success, not your upline, not the company, not your spouse, or your kids, or your parents and most certainly not the President of the United States (believe me, I have heard this one before). You will have to be responsible, disciplined, and self motivated.

But that is getting ahead of ourselves, check back later to learn about choosing the right company, or click on over to the sites below to see how our 180daystogreatness experiment is coming along and what he have learned from our Coach, Nadira Haniff, to date, or to see what company I made the decision to work with.

Networking in the 21st Century!

Network Marketing has been around for many years, and has been known by many names. How was the concept started? Well, the idea was to pay individuals (distributors) the money that would normally be used on advertising. The more people who purchased product from you the more money you made, and the company sold. The beauty was that if you could find other people to do the same thing you could not only make money on your efforts but theirs as well. Hence a new home business and free enterprise were born where the playing field is level and open to all those that actually took this seriously.

Over the years, there have been a lot of different names for network marketing, such as multi-level marketing, direct selling, word-of-mouth, and most familiar to those who knew nothing about it, is the “pyramid:. In today’s society we find lots of people asking if our business is a “pyramid scheme” based on the past of only a handful of companies that gave network marketing a bad name. What exactly is a pyramid in business? My definition and for others in the know a “pyramid” would be a corporate business where the owners make the most money, then a ceo or president, vice president, manager, asst. manager, secretary, receptionist, mail person.

Well you get the idea, my point is, the guy at the top makes all the money while the guy on the bottom of the pyramid doesn’t make much. That is definitely not the definition of network marketing as with this industry anyone coming in came make as much or as little as they choose. It is all up to the individual and the choices they make.

How can anyone in the 21st century who is looking to pay off some bills, pay for college, buy a house, work from home or make a fortune choose the right company, the right product, the right system and the right team?

To find out there are two things you can do. You can visit the website below or you can come back here periodically as I will be updating this story on a regular basis for the next 180 days as I, Theresa Giambrone am participating in a marketing experiment with 20 other people and Coach Nadira Haniff, that I believe will change the way we in the network marketing industry do business so that everyone that comes to the table can succeed.

Until next time…….

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Journey Has Begun!

180 Days to Greatness! A Marketing Adventure

This article is to introduce you to 25, make that 22 individuals (you will hear along the way what happened to the lost three) that have come together to form an elite group of people looking to attain greatness over the next 180 days. Greatness not only in their business, but as we will all learn, mostly in their personal growth. For it will take tremendous change on all of our parts to achieve what we are looking to accomplish.

So come join us on what will be an incredible journey, not only for us, but we hope for you as well, as we begin the first steps. You can come back often to catch up on what is taking place in our group and with our lives as we do what is necessary, so that those that come after us will have a path to follow that will decrease their anxiety but increase their pocketbook and their sense of satisfaction. They will build belief in themselves and their capabilities to win in business. Too many people are afraid to try. Sometimes in life you just have to take a leap of faith and belief so hard in yourself and the people around you that the chance of failure is slim to none!

We have set up specific guidelines to be followed and any one of us, including our Call To Greatness Coach Nadira, can be kicked off if we don’t perform! We don’t want to lose the coach so this is going to be loads of fun but a truckload of work! None of us stand to benefit financially from the other - we are all independent business owners. What started as 25 is now down to 22 brave entrepreneurs who are ready to go the extra mile, and push to the finish line & bring home business gold! Let the games begin!

View our bios at the website and remember we welcome your comments and input along the way

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A MARKETING EXPERIMENT ~ Glimpse A Call To Greatness!

A Real Dose Of Intense Marketing For The Next 180- 200 Days!

Something phenomenal is taking place (a call to greatness let's say!). I am part of a select group of 25 working on devising a marketing plan/strategy for an incredible marketing experiment! The company is just about to launch a new skin nutrition product. One product. Top of line, green product, in tune with the environment, more skin nutrition than skin care. So a robust product. Established company. Solid track record. So those are the given parameters.

We have some variables as always. Our environment and economic climate in the USA is somewhat unstable at this time. As such, we will have to factor this into our marketing execution. So overall, some unfavorable economic times. But because of the internet we are now operating in more of a global market. Remember that the objective of every business is to churn a profit irrespective of the economic environment.

HERE'S THE EXPERIMENT. Our Business Coach Nadira Haniff has hand picked a group of 25 people. We are developing a marketing plan in the next few days. Now we are regular folks, just like you and I, distributors, home based business folks, with regular families, and with a lot of gusto and determination to win in business. None of us are advertising gurus or marketing gurus or anything of the sort. We all have our skills however. And we are not part of each other’s team. So we will not earn from the efforts of the others! And we are not paying the coach either!

Anyway continuing, HERE'S THE OBJECTIVE: with a defined marketing plan and a micro break down on each aspect of the game plan, execution is in a methodical, systematic, controlled manner (meaning no deviation from the plan except for fine tuning - we risk getting voted off the group!!). Each of these 25 distributors are aiming to add 100 new distributors to their team in the next 180 days, working within the defined marketing plan and keeping in sync with the team. This would give each of us the foundation not only to earn a really solid income but also gain the knowledge and application of knowledge, to duplicate this exercise and generate a steady flowing residual income.

Each day of this journey will be documented for the entire 180 - 200 days and later used as a tool. Plans, progress, results, fine tuning, fights (not too many I hope!), disagreements, any votes off are all part of the game! Videos will be posted online with, daily conversations and all the fun reality stuff! I am participating like everyone else and getting my hands dirtied and muddied! 100 distributors in 180 days here I come!

So, I would like to invite you to follow along with me and the gang on this journey for the next 180 - 200 days! Can we keep all 25 of these participants in sync and productive at the same time? Can they hit target? It will an incredible journey! You are invited to add any words of wisdom in marketing, planning & execution...the games begin shortly! Looking forward to your comments...

PS: If you would like to know more let us know

Theresa Giambrone

Friday, June 20, 2008

Overcoming obstacles.....

Today, I want to discuss what it takes to overcome obstacles that are put before us. All of us view obstacles in a different way, even though they may be the same. For instance, some networkers might believe they are not having success in their business for a number of reasons: the upline is not supportive, they don't have the right tools, they don't have a warm market, they don't have long distance, they don't have money to purchase leads, they don't have, they don't have, they don't have. And guess what. THEY DON'T HAVE! Where a leader, will look at the same obstacle and say: What can I do differently? It is my business, I am responsible for it. If I invest in leads and training, I will get better, and sponsor new people which means not only is my business growing, but I am growing.

A leader will ask, who can I call and speak with that has what I want? Who can I learn from? What can I do to generate my own leads? How do I learn to generate my own leads. Folks, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips with the internet. You can learn to do anything online. I am learning everyday how to market myself and my business. It doesn't stop just because you reach a certain level of success. And remember, it happens on the inside before it happens on the outside.

So what does it take to be that leader and overcome all those obstacles. Make the decision. Sounds easy, yet the majority of people will not make the decision. Why won't they make that decision? That is another blog post altogether. Remember, you may not overcome every obstacle immediately, but make the decision to be successful and take action, move toward what it is you want, and the universe will deliver. The universe will deliver to you that which you ask, and expect. You will be amazed at the opportunities and the people you will attract. Keep in mind the type of business partner you are looking for. Look in the mirror and honestly answer if you would want YOU as a business partner. Stop wanting everyone else and everything else to change, you change first. As my personal coach and mentor Aaron Rashkin says: "look in the mirror, there you will find not only the problem, but the solution"! So who is looking back at you?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prospecting and Pools

Prospecting and Pools…..

This morning while I was vacumming our pool manually, I started mulling over in my head the way prospecting related to owning a pool. This is our third year with the pool, and let me say right off the bat, that it was not an enjoyable task as my husband did not want it in the first place. He knew most of the work would fall on his shoulders once it was installed, at least that is what he thought. But with todays technology, owning your own pool is a breeze, it is a one two three step process, and once you get it set up, the rest of the summer is a breeze. Kind of like owning your own home business!

So here are some ways that I compare the two. First we had to make the decision to get the pool—I didn’t have the support of my husband to make this decision—yet I investigated the pros and cons, and made the decision and was going to do it with or without his blessing. See I knew that in the beginning, it was going to take extra effort to have it installed, extra money to pay for it, and it would take extra time to learn how it all worked. But I also knew the end result would be that my kids and I could relax in our own backyard, swim at our leisure, and not have to compete with a whole group of people for swimming space, chairs, tables, and everything else that goes along with a public pool or beach. Just like with prospecting, in the beginning you have to invest, time and money to learn the skills necessary and to have the right tools. But the end result is you get to do and have all that you want. .

So we had it in installed and together we learned how to operate it. But it wasn’t until this morning as I pushed and pulled the vacuum back and forth attempting to pick up all the dirt that was on the bottom, that the comparisons hit me. Why, because here I was doing the first vacuum of the year manually, back and forth, back and forth, following a system to be sure I didn’t miss any dirt. A system that was crucial to the pool operating on autopilot the rest of the summer. A system that we as networkers follow to get our prospects to take a look at our opportunity. The vacuum did not pick up every piece, just as some prospects won’t take a look, or won’t be interested in what it is we are doing. There were some pieces that just were not ready to be sucked up and taken to the filter, they wanted to stay in the water and float around a bit, and try a different part of the pool. A bit like prospects that float through your system, but never do anything. But the end result was that eventually they would have to deal with change, because if I didn’t get them with the manual vacuum, the automatic ladybug would get them at some point.

Now I could have started vacuuming with no system and went back and forth in the pool just stirring everything up but not learning the exact method to get the most dirt up the first time, and I know that I would have to keep doing the same thing over and over, and over again, with the same result—a dirty pool. But if I perfected my method, I could get the most dirt the first time around and only have to spend one morning manually vacuuming, and the rest of the summer just putting the automatic ladybug in the pool. As in prospecting, perfect your methods, connect with more people, bring more people thru the system, yes some will disappear and float off, but at some point it will become automatic, and more and more people will be duplicating your efforts all the time, with less and less effort on your part.

So what did I do when I was done vacuuming, after I jumped in the cool clean water, I came inside and prospected for a couple of hours while the kids continued swimming, safe in my own backyard.

See it isn’t about the quantity of time you put in, but the quality.

Just Keep Swimming!